Käännös "professional wrestling" espanja
That's just what it's like professional wrestling.
Es justamente eso: Lucha profesional.
I'd be watching professional wrestling and drinking beer out of a can.
Miraría lucha profesional y bebería cerveza de la lata.
No, Maurice, that's the role of professional wrestling.
No, Maurice, ésa es la función de la lucha profesional.
He knows mixed martial arts, professional wrestling.
Sabe artes marciales mixtas, lucha profesional.
Now stay tuned for professional wrestling live... from the Springfield Grapplarium.
Sigan atentos a la lucha profesional, desde el Springfield Grapplarium.
Science, mathematics, professional wrestling, anything besides art.
Ciencias, matemáticas, lucha profesional, cualquier cosa además de las artes.
So, is there an aspiration for professional wrestling?
Tienes aspiraciones de dedicarte a la lucha profesional?
Would he become a devotee of professional wrestling?
¿Se convertiría en apasionado de la lucha profesional?
The boys thought the pictures showed a form of professional wrestling.
Los chicos pensaron que las fotos mostraban una forma de lucha profesional.
The description was vague, but, as far as Harris could tell, Powerball appeared to be an amalgam of rugby, professional wrestling, and old pirate movies.
La descripción era imprecisa, pero por lo que pudo ver Harris, el powerball parecía una amalgama de rugby, lucha profesional y las películas antiguas de piratas.
Aunt Rose also liked professional wrestling on Saturday afternoons, though her face got red with moral indignation at what some of the contestants got away with and how blind the referees were.
A tía Rose también le gustaba la lucha profesional que daban los sábados por la tarde, aunque enrojecía de indignación moral ante el comportamiento de algunos de los competidores y ante la ceguera de los árbitros.
He gave me to understand that professional wrestling was fake, but this in no way diminished his appreciation of it.
Me daba a entender que la lucha libre profesional era un camelo, pero eso en absoluto disminuía que la apreciara.
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