Well, I taste fruit punch and just a hint of nail polish remover.
Bueno, me sabe a ponche de fruta y un toque de quita esmaltes
Spike: (Yelling) Anybody have any nail Polish remover?
¿Nadie tiene quita esmalte?
Toothpaste or nail-polish remover or bleach or –
Pasta de dientes o quitaesmaltes o lejía o…
Can you smell it? A little like nail-polish remover.
¿No lo hueles? Se parece un poco al olor del quitaesmaltes.
Pointedly she says, “Remember the nail-polish-remover incident?”
—Entonces me dice con recochineo—: ¿Te acuerdas del incidente del quitaesmalte?
A smell similar to Amanda’s nail polish remover hung in the air.
En el aire flotaba un olor similar al del quitaesmalte de Amanda.
“I’m never going to find nail polish remover … here.”
No va a haber manera de encontrar quitaesmalte… por aquí.
They had guns. And a pit bull. And the place smelled like nail polish remover.
Tenían pistolas. Y un pit bull. Y dentro olía como a quitaesmalte.
I smelled a stinging odor like acetone, or nail polish remover.
Percibí un penetrante olor parecido a la acetona o al quitaesmalte de uñas.
The acetone in the polish remover quickly dissolved everything on the checks that wasn’t written in base ink.
La acetona del quitaesmalte enseguida disolvió todo lo que no estaba escrito con tinta base.
Two and a half centimeters were the second and third fingers, slipped into an opening the size of the neck of a bottle of nail polish remover.
Dos centímetros y medio eran el corazón y el anular comprimidos en una abertura no más ancha que el gollete de un frasco de quitaesmaltes de uñas.
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