Käännös "persuading him" espanja
But there was no persuading him.
Pero no encontró la forma de persuadirlo.
So they keep trying to persuade him.
Por tanto, tratan de persuadirle.
She did not try to persuade him.
Ella no trató de persuadirle.
It was not difficult to persuade him to this cause.
No fue difícil persuadirlo para esta causa.
She spent months persuading him.
Necesitó meses para persuadirlo.
Try to persuade him to come with us.
Intentar persuadirle de que venga con nosotros.
You think I can persuade him?
–¿Piensas que puedo persuadirlo?
He wanted to allay Marchat’s suspicions by persuading him that there was no conspiracy at all and that Dupont has committed suicide.
Quería adormecer la desconfianza de Marchat, persuadiéndolo de que no había conspiración y de que Dupont se había suicidado.
I persuaded him to leave camp—to walk out on the road to Bannack. To meet the stage somewhere and go on to Bannack, and stay a few days.
Yo insistí y le convencí, persuadiéndole de que dejara el pueblo por una temporada y se marchase a pie por el camino de Bannack, y que cuando se encontrase con la diligencia, la tomase.
It was curious the way Josefina’s passion began to persuade him that Ramón was not innocent, and then he came to his senses when Josefina stated that she had always suspected that Ramón would be capable of this.
Resultaba curiosa la forma en que el apasionamiento de Josefina empezaba a hacer mella en él, persuadiéndole de que Ramón no era inocente.
Unless—unless—a name that conjured up a zealot's most fanatical passions was delivered to one of the prisoners, persuading him to divulge what he would normally take his own life before revealing.
A menos —a menos— que un nombre que hacía brotar las pasiones de esos fanáticos llegase a oídos de uno de los prisioneros, persuadiéndolo a divulgar lo que normalmente no diría ni aunque lo matasen.
The sense of realism was so intense that the painting effortlessly achieved the effect sought by the old Flemish masters: the integration of the spectator into the pictorial whole, persuading him that the space in which he stood was the same as that represented in the painting, as if the picture were a fragment of reality, or reality a fragment of the picture.
La sensación de realismo era tan intensa que conseguía plenamente el efecto buscado por los viejos maestros flamencos: la integración del espectador en el conjunto pictórico, persuadiéndolo de que el espacio desde donde contemplaba la pintura era el mismo que el contenido en el interior de ésta; como si el cuadro fuese un fragmento de la realidad, o la realidad un fragmento del cuadro.
The delicate phase of the nasal rite being ended, his mind could now abandon itself once again to the play of fantasy, and all of a sudden, it associated the imminent nuptial bed, where Lucrecia lay awaiting him, with the unpronounceable name of the Dutch historian and essayist Johan Huizinga, one of whose essays had touched the depths of his heart, persuading him that it had been written for him, for her, for the two of them.
Terminada la parte delicada del rito nasal, su mente pudo abandonarse de nuevo al fantaseo y asoció, de pronto, el inminente tálamo matrimonial, donde Lucrecia yacía esperándolo, con el impronunciable nombre del historiador y ensayista holandés Johan Huizinga, uno de cuyos ensayos le había llegado al corazón, persuadiéndolo de que había sido escrito para él, para ella, para ellos dos.
"Lord Hastings states," Richard said, holding the letter with its heavy seals dangling, "that he has sent word to Earl Rivers, with Prince Edward in the marches of Wales, persuading him to show good faith in the public peace by accompanying the Prince to London with no more than a thousand men... a force which Hastings further says he is confident we can match or exceed."
—Lord Hastings declara —dijo Ricardo, sosteniendo la carta con sus gruesos sellos oscilando—, que ha mandado un mensaje al conde Rivers, con el príncipe Eduardo en las marcas de Gales, persuadiéndole a mostrar su mejor fe en la paz pública acompañando al príncipe a Londres con no más de un millar de hombres…, una fuerza que, además, dice Hastings confiar en que seamos capaces de igualar o superar.
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