Käännös "people that come" espanja
I'm sure there are plenty of people that come here and dine by themselves.
Seguro hay mucha gente que viene aquí... y cena sola.
95% of the people that come here are weirdos.
El 95% de la gente que viene aquí es rara.
So, do you know most of the people that come in here?
¿Así que conoce a la mayor parte de la gente que viene aquí?
"there's a lot of people that come here from other countries
"Hay un montón de gente que viene de otros países"
And probably a lot of people that come here too.
Y probablemente a un montón de gente que viene aquí.
It's a very small percentage of the people that come in.
Es un porcentaje muy pequeño de toda la gente que viene aquí.
There's so many people that come here.
Hay tanta gente que viene aquí.
Faces on people that come into my office I never forget.
Las caras de la gente que viene a mi oficina, nunca las olvido.
I love these people that come here, they get 10 samples, you know?
Amo esta gente que viene y piden 10 muestras, ¿sabes?
I need a list of the names of the people that come to your house.
Necesito una lista de la gente que viene a su casa.
“I expect that these Tsurani people are coming.”
—Creo que esa gente tsurani viene de camino.
“Some people who come see the squid are a bit …”
Hay gente que viene a ver el calamar que es un poco…
I like people who come up from below.
Me gusta la gente que viene de abajo.
People just come here to have fun.
La gente solo viene a pasarlo bien.
The people who come here are such naice people.
La gente que viene aquí es toda muy diferente.
People don't come with their own campers right now.
En esta época la gente no viene con su propio remolque.
I’m curious about all the people who come here.
Siento curiosidad por la gente que viene aquí.
But people who come here sometimes wish to port.
Pero la gente que viene aquí a veces quiere conectar.
I donI know … the people who come to see him, I guess.
—No sé..., creo que por la gente que viene a verle.
“You wouldn’t believe the people who come in here all day long.
Es increíble la gente que viene aquí durante todo el día.
“Believe it or not, some people actually come to the tournament just for the parties.”
—Lo creas o no, algunas personas realmente vienen al torneo solo por las fiestas.
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