Käännös "moneyless" espanja
she knew he did. And she didn’t even know why Sparks needed her: She imagined him sick or hungry, moneyless, friendless, starving.
ella sabía que lo haría. Y ni siquiera sabía para qué la necesitaba Destellos: lo imaginó enfermo o hambriento, sin dinero, sin amigos, famélico.
Not as she had learned to think about him afterward, from other people, not as Aunt Matilda's runaway husband, not as Franklin Shore, the Missing Banker, in the big headlines, not as the man who had inexplicably thrown away success and wealth and power and family and lifelong friends, to lose himself, moneyless, among strangers.
No como el marido que había abandonado a la tía Matilda; no como Franklin Shore, el banquero desaparecido de los grandes titulares; no como el hombre que, de forma inexplicable, había tirado por la borda el éxito, la riqueza, el poder y a la familia y los amigos de toda la vida para perderse, sin dinero alguno, entre extraños.
He had that foolish little paperback in the back pocket of those dungarees.' Bobby was thinking of his own houseboy, who was also small and fine-featured and of the king's tribe: a churchgoer and a reader of devout or educational primers in the second, moneyless half of the month, a drinker in the first half, often tortured by hangovers, light and silent then, with an additional quality of delicacy.
Bobby estaba pensando en su criado, que era también bajito y de rasgos delicados, y pertenecía asimismo a la tribu del rey: cristiano, asiduo lector de libros piadosos, sin dinero a mitad de mes, emborrachándose la primera quincena, torturado a menudo por las resacas, ligero y silencioso en esos ratos, acentuada su delicadeza.
He went up to a tobacconist kiosk, because he didn’t have a light, Edurne kept on grumbling behind him that her moneyless existence was miserable, that she had to put up with his mother and everything else, a long list of things, and by pure chance, although he didn’t realize until Edurne nudged him with her shoulder and said someone had just said hello to them, they walked past the woman who had given him the Harrods bag as he got onto the plane, but by the time he turned around, she was facing the other way and he was looking at a man with bulging eyes who was walking next to her.
Se acercó al estanco porque no tenía fuego, ella a su lado sin parar de protestar porque llevaba una existencia miserable, sin dinero, obligada a cargar con su madre, etc., y, casualidad, justo cuando iba a entrar se cruzaron con la mujer que le había dado la bolsa de Harrods en el avión, aunque, en realidad, no se dio cuenta hasta que Edurne le advirtió con un codazo —«Esa te ha saludado»— y cuando giró la cabeza ya solo pudo verla de espaldas, pero la reconoció por su abrigo y se encontró con los ojos saltones del hombre que iba a su lado cargado con bolsas verdes de Harrods, un tipo con gafas y bigote de morsa que le miraba con mucha curiosidad.
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