Käännös "modern composers" espanja
Modern composers
Of the modern composers, I suppose Vincenzo Bellini is my favorite.
De los compositores modernos, supongo que Vincenzo Bellini es mi preferido.
Last week the Royal Festival Hall saw- the first performance of a new symphony, by one of the world's leading modern composers,
La semana pasada se estrenó una nueva sinfonía... de uno de los mejores compositores modernos.
It's the same with all these modern composers.
Así son todos los compositores modernos.
I talked to a couple of modern composers who were present at that;
He hablado con un par de compositores modernos que estaban presentes;
It runs: “The modern composer writes his works by constructing them on a foundation of truth.”
Dice así: «El compositor moderno escribe sus obras construyendo sobre la verdad».
Viktor Ullmann agreed with Karel Fröhlich, adding for his part the mental concision in which the modern composer is placed by the impossibility to write down on paper the sounds that haunt the mind.
Viktor Ullmann pensaba lo mismo que Karel Frohlich, agregando por su parte la concisión mental en que la imposibilidad de anotar en un papel los sonidos que obsesionan la mente coloca al compositor moderno.
As abstract painters sought to portray mental and emotional states without direct representation, and modern composers expanded traditional laws of harmony, Clarice undid reflexive patterns in grammar.
Los pintores abstractos buscaban retratar estados mentales y emocionales que no necesitaban la representación directa. Los compositores modernos expandieron las leyes de la armonía tradicional. Y Clarice deshizo modelos gramaticales.
He was a gifted modern composer, recently working on a promising musical play, and while he had not yet made it in the big time, Contessa De Marchi believed in his gifts and was his patroness.
Se trataba de un compositor moderno de talento que estaba trabajando en una prometedora pieza musical, y, a pesar de que todavía no había alcanzado el éxito, la condesa De Marchi creía en sus dotes y le protegía.
Corriere della Sera behaved as though the man had died in his bed and devoted a full page to an objective analysis of his contribution to the world of music, drawing special attention to his having championed the cause of certain modern composers.
Corriere della Sera hacía como si el maestro hubiera muerto en su cama, y dedicaba toda una página a un análisis objetivo de su aportación al mundo de la música, haciendo hincapié en el apoyo que había prestado a la causa de ciertos compositores modernos.
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