Käännös "mistake it" espanja
13. Ms. WONG (New Zealand) said that although the topics of State responsibility and international liability had some similar strands, it would be a mistake to confuse them.
La Sra. WONG (Nueva Zelandia) dice que los temas de la responsabilidad del Estado y de la responsabilidad internacional tienen algunos aspectos comunes, pero sería un error confundirlos, aunque es pertinente que la CDI los examine conjuntamente.
However, it was also noted that although the topics of State responsibility and international liability had some similar strands, it would be a mistake to confuse them.
Sin embargo, se observó además que, aunque los temas de la responsabilidad de los Estados y la responsabilidad internacional tenían algunas características semejantes, sería erróneo confundirlos.
There was no mistaking her.
No había forma de confundirla.
there was no mistaking which was which.
No había manera de confundirlos.
There could be no mistaking him.
No había manera de confundirlo.
There was no mistaking it. It was the universe.
Imposible confundirla: era el universo.
Not that anyone would mistake him for one.
No era que nadie fuera a confundirle con uno de ellos.
But there was no mistaking her for a guy.
Pero no había forma de confundirla con un hombre.
Jan could not mistake them.
Jan no podía confundirlas.
The real ones. There was no mistaking them.
Los reales. No había forma de confundirlos.
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