Käännös "measure one" espanja
Measuring one thing can in fact instantly affect its distant partner, as if the space between them didn't even exist.
Medir una, de hecho, afectaría inmediatamente a su compañera, como si el espacio que las separase no existiera.
In 1809 and then in 1815, English officers, taking advantage of the war that pitted them against the mountain tribes of Bopal, they managed to enter those immense valleys and measure, one by one, the heights of those mountains, with instruments so inaccurate, that their results could not be taken into account.
En 1809 y luego en 1815, los oficiales ingleses, aprovechando la guerra que los enfrentaba a las tribus montañesas del Bopal, consiguieron adentrarse en aquellos inmensos valles y medir, una a una, las alturas de aquellas montañas, con unos instrumentos tan poco exactos, que sus resultados no pudieron ser tenidos en cuenta.
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