Käännös "me were" espanja
Samankaltaiset kontekstilausekkeet
I thought people like me were the legal process.
Creí que la gente como yo era el proceso legal.
It's trite, but when Zoe turned 20, she started saying that I was a capitalist fascist and guys like me were the source of all the world's ills.
Es trillado, pero cuando Zoe cumplió 20 años, comenzó a decir que yo era un capitalista fascista y tipos como yo eramos el origen de todos los males del mundo.
But for them, guys like me were a novelty?
Pero para ellos. tipos como yo era una novedad.
So all the boyfriends before me were your "sins."
Así que todos los novios antes de eran tus "pecados".
I tried to think your feelings for me were cold and brotherly.
Traté de creer que tus sentimientos por eran fríos y fraternales.
Her feelings for me were perverse!
¡Sus sentimientos por eran perversos!
All her crimes against me were because she loves you.
Todos sus crímenes contra eran porque te quiere.
- I thought all you wanted from me were those e-mails.
Pensé que lo único que querías de eran esos correos.
His qualities, as they appeared to me, were old-fashioned qualities like loyalty, honesty and reliability.
Sus cualidades, ya que apareció a , eran cualidades tradicionales como las la lealtad, la honestidad y la confiabilidad.
The charges against me were so severe and I'd aggravated them so clearly. Why hadn't they shot me?
Los cargos contra eran tan graves... que no entendía por qué no me habían fusilado.
If I am to die, then I need to know her feelings for me were true.
Si voy a morir, entonces necesito saber si sus sentimientos por eran verdad.
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