I was mainly on large ships.
Siempre estuve en los grandes barcos:
They had all been packed together in the holds of two large ships, lying just over the horizon from Crydee.
Los habían encerrado a todos en la bodega de dos grandes barcos, tumbados justo por encima del horizonte de Crydee.
Already the count and his two companions were about to yield before the Spaniards who attacked them with halberds, swords and axes, when i buccaneers jumped onto the galleon's quarterdeck without waiting for contact to be made occurred between the two large ships.
Ya el conde y sus compañeros iban a ceder ante los españoles, que los rodeaban por todas partes, cuando los bucaneros saltaron sobre el alcázar del galeón, sin esperar a que estuviesen unidos los dos grandes barcos.
She shouted herself hoarse, telling the abductors that they were heartless, that her spirit would torment them and their children, that she knew she was to be sold to the white man, and did they not know that the white man’s slavery was very different, that people were treated like goats, taken on large ships a long way away and eventually eaten?
Gritó hasta quedarse ronca, diciendo a los raptores que eran crueles, que su espíritu los atormentaría a ellos y a sus descendientes, que sabía que iban a venderla a los blancos, y si no sabían que la esclavitud de los blancos era muy diferente, que los trataban como cabras y los metían en grandes barcos, y al final de largas travesías se los comían.
It was one of those large ships that the Spaniards used for transporting to Europe the treasures snatched from the then inexhaustible mines of Mexico, Guatemala and Costa Rica, wide at the hips, with two decks, but too much heavy to be able to compete with the fast ships of the freebooters who, strong of the support of the buccaneers, they thought more about speed than the number of pieces of cannon.
Era uno de aquellos grandes barcos que los españoles empleaban para transportar a Europa los tesoros arrancados a las minas, entonces inagotables de México, de Guatemala y de Costa Rica, anchos de costados con dos puentes, pero demasiado pesados para poder competir con las esbeltas naves filibusteras, las cuales, fuertes con el apoyo de los bucaneros, atendían más a la velocidad que al número de cañones.
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