Käännös "it was learned" espanja
Lessons learned
Lecciones aprendidas
We have learned that:
Hemos aprendido que:
We have learned, the Empire has learned.
Hemos aprendido, el Imperio ha aprendido.
And yet what have we learned, having learned this?
Y sin embargo, habiendo aprendido esto ¿qué hemos aprendido?
Have you learned nothing?” “I learned a lot.
¿Acaso no has aprendido nada? —He aprendido mucho.
I’ve learned not to.
Eso lo he aprendido.
She doesn't complain. She's learned not to complain - it took a while, but she's learned it.
Ha aprendido a no quejarse; le ha costado lo suyo, pero ha aprendido.
“You’ve already learned it?”
—¿Ya te lo has aprendido?
They have learned nothing.
No han aprendido nada.
Had they learned nothing?
¿Es que no habían aprendido nada?
You’ve learned something!’
¡Has aprendido algo!
His pay was stopped in 1999, and he learned that he was considered to be a deserter.
En 1999 dejó de recibir su sueldo y supo que se le consideraba desertor.
It was learned today that these attacks against Cazin included paratroopers.
Hoy se supo que en los ataques contra Cazin participaron paracaidistas.
He subsequently learned through his wife that he was being sought by the Congolese authorities.
El autor supo posteriormente por su esposa que se había ordenado su búsqueda.
In addition, the Special Rapporteur was surprised to learn that photography is restricted by law.
92. Por otra parte, el Relator Especial supo con sorpresa que la fotografía está restringida por la ley.
It was subsequently learned that the victim was Ala` Abdulqadir Abd, an Iraqi national.
Posteriormente se supo que se trataba de Alaa Abdulqadir Abd, ciudadano iraquí.
In June 2001, his family learned that he was in Denmark and detained in jail.
En junio de 2001 su familia supo que se encontraba en una cárcel de Dinamarca.
In January 2004, he learned from his wife and his mother-in-law that he was wanted by the police.
En enero de 2004 supo por su esposa y su suegra que la policía lo estaba buscando.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic State of Afghanistan learned with great regret that:
El Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores del Estado Islámico del Afganistán supo con gran pesar que:
“What did he learn?”
—¿Qué fue lo que supo?
But Garner learned nothing.
Pero Garner no supo descifrarla.
“Did she learn it from you?”
—¿Lo supo de tus labios?
He learned the reason for doing this.
Supo la razón de este acto.
“How did you learn this?”
—¿Cómo lo supo usted?
No one ever learned why.
Nadie supo nunca por qué.
fortunately, he never learned it.
pero, afortunadamente, esto no lo supo nunca.
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