Käännös "inter departmental" espanja
"But I don't imagine this sudden inter-departmental cooperation comes at no cost." "No cost," Phipps said. "Just a favor.
Pero no imagino que esta repentina cooperación interdepartamental no tenga ningún coste. —Ningún coste —dijo Phipps—. Sólo un favor.
(“Of the Houses of Parliament pinnacles were collapsing and walls were being riven asunder as the shells burst within them.”) The public had grown so agitated over the state of Victorian manhood that the government created an investigative body called the Inter-Departmental Committee on Physical Deterioration.
(«Los pináculos del Parlamento se derrumbaban y sus muros se resquebrajaban con el estallido de los obuses en sus entrañas.»)[25]El público estaba tan consternado por el estado de la hombría victoriana que el gobierno creó un cuerpo de investigación denominado Inter-Departmental Committee on Physical Deterioration («Comité Interdepartamental del Deterioro Físico»).
Harry stared up at them as they flapped idly around above his head; they were a pale violet colour and he could see Ministry of Magic stamped along the edge of their wings. “Just inter-departmental memos,” Mr. Weasley muttered to him.
Harry los miró fijamente cuando ellos revolotearon ociosamente alrededor de su cabeza, eran de color violeta pálido y se podía ver el sello del Ministerio de Magia a lo largo del borde de sus alas. –Sólo son memorandos Inter-departamentales -le murmuró el Sr. Weasley-.
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