Käännös "him gives" espanja
Him gives
If it's fucking him gives you pause, he'd never make you.
Si es cogérselo lo que le da pausa nunca la obligará.
According to Sherlock, you paid someone to break him out of a Russian prison, presumably to torture him, make him give you the name of the person who hired him.
De acuerdo con Sherlock, que pagó a alguien para él salir de una prisión rusa, presumiblemente para torturarlo, hacer que se le da el nombre de la persona que lo contrató.
I mean, with him giving the inmate the gun and then the African dress and now...
Primero le da el arma al preso y luego el atuendo africano y ahora...
There Morgan rescues him gives him a gold ring and grants him immortality and eternal youth.
Allí Morgan le rescata le da un anillo de oro y le garantiza inmortalidad y eterna juventud.
So AJ chases him down hall, he beats the crap out of him. Gives him a bloody lip, chipped tooth and a bloody nose.
Así que A.J. Va tras él, le da una buena paliza le rompe el labio y un diente y le saca sangre de la nariz.
She embraces him, presses against him, gives him wet kisses.
Le abraza, se aprieta contra él, le da besos húmedos.
Watching him come when she’s on top of him gives her a sense of power.
Verlo correrse sentada sobre él le da cierta sensación de poder.
Josey Wales get her too he fuck her he fuck her and turn her into fool or him give her money you hear that?
Y Josey Wales la toma con ella también y se la singa y se la singa o la engaña o le da dinero, ¿lo oyes?
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