Your tides have turned, and your fortunes have definitely changed. ♪ Kenzi?
Las cosas han cambiado, e indudablemente tu suerte ha cambiado. ¿Kenzi?
Half the world's been wiped; the rest have turned Into crazies trying to kill the other half.
La mitad del mundo ha sido barrido, el resto ha cambiado en locos tratando de matar a la otra mitad.
Damn, the Latvians must have turned green in their faces!
¡Joder, a los letones se les ha cambiado la cara!
[ Mutters ] Now, the tables have turned, haven't they?
Ahora, el juego ha cambiado, no?
Indeed, I have moved on from the macabre of Edgar Allen poe and have turned to an altogether more horrific piece of fiction... the Bible.
De hecho, pasé del macabro de Edgar Allen Poe y lo ha cambiado a un honorífico pedazo de ficción..
The tides have turned.
La marea ha cambiado.
He's got a pretty serious record, although he seems to have turned his life around recently.
Tiene unos antecedentes bastante graves, aunque parece que últimamente ha cambiado de vida.
You guess my fortunes have turned.
Suponéis que mi suerte ha cambiado.
They have turned me into a servant.
Me han convertido en un siervo.
All our children will have turned Japanese
Todos nuestros hijos se han convertido japonés
Their bare bones have turned to ash.
Su esqueleto se han convertido en cenizas.
Could the pilot have turned that off?
¿Podria el piloto han convertido ese fuera?
All my sorrows have turned intojoy.
Todas mis penas se han convertido en alegrías.
..have turned into profitable businesses.
.. Se han convertido en negocios rentables.
Those streams have turned to sand.
Esos arroyos se han convertido en arena.
- You have turned it into a gas?
Lo han convertido en un gas.
The Yeti have turned upon us.
El Yeti se han convertido en nosotros.
It wouldn't have turned out this way.
No se han convertido de esta manera.
The truths they have turned into lies.
Las verdades que han convertido en mentiras.
The windows have turned into telescopes.
Las ventanas se han convertido en telescopios.
Maybe they have turned me into one of them.
A lo mejor sí que me han convertido en uno de ellos.
People who have turned themselves into leopards?
¿Personas que se han convertido en leopardos?
But from that day, I have turned myself around.
Pero a partir de ese día, me he convertido yo mismo alrededor.
You came out here to make a good impression, and I have turned you into my therapist.
Viniste aquí para causar una buena impresión, y te he convertido en mi terapeuta.
I have turned into a slobbering romantic.
Me he convertido en un romántico sensiblero.
I have turned streets into rivers of blood.
He convertido calles en ríos de sangre.
I have turned her into a masterpiece of loveliness.
La he convertido en una obra maestra de belleza.
I have turned the whole world into a laboratory.
He convertido el mundo entero en un laboratorio.
Oh, dear Lord, I have turned into a girl.
Dios, me he convertido en una chica.
I was just thinking this morning that, God, I have turned into such a typical "girl."
Estaba pensando esta mañana... que, Dios, me he convertido en una chica tan típica.
Instead, I have turned into a wishing well with legs.
En su lugar, me he convertido en un pozo de los deseos con piernas.
Look, I have turned this bar into every other kind of bar, and it never worked.
Mirad, he convertido este bar en cualquier otro tipo de bar, Y nunca funcionaba.
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