Käännös "have accomplish" espanja
No single nation could have accomplished that feat.
Ninguna nación por sí sola podría haber logrado esa proeza.
Having accomplished what we celebrate today, let us dedicate ourselves to what will define our tomorrows.
Tras haber logrado lo que celebramos hoy, dediquémonos a lo que definirá nuestro mañana.
73. The electoral process was far from flawless, but the Afghan electoral institutions are to be commended for their independence and integrity, and for having accomplished the logistical feat of organizing such a complicated operation in a difficult political, security and geographic environment.
El proceso electoral distó de desarrollarse sin fallas, pero las instituciones electorales afganas deben ser elogiadas por su independencia e integridad y por haber logrado la hazaña logística de organizar una operación tan complicada en un entorno político, de seguridad y geográfico difícil.
To have accomplished in the time that you have.
Haber logrado en el tiempo que usted tiene .
You seem to have accomplished quite a lot in one year.
Pareces haber logrado bastante en un solo año.
How could he have accomplished that?
¿Cómo podría haber logrado eso?
We could have accomplished so much together.
Nosotros podríamos haber logrado tanto juntos.
Cause in your 20s you ought to have accomplished something.
Porque a los 20 años ya debería haber logrado algo.
Who knows what you could have accomplished?
Quién sabe lo que podrías haber logrado.
An insane man could not have accomplished this.
Un hombre loco no podría haber logrado esto.
You have such a joy in all you have accomplished.
Sentirás un enorme placer por haber logrado tanto.
She could have accomplished things.
Ella podría haber logrado cosas.
Gould we have accomplished anything better?
¿Podíamos haber logrado algo mejor?
I think very highly of myself for having accomplished that, as you are not an easy man to love.
Tengo una opinión muy alta de mí por haber logrado eso, pues tú eres hombre al que no se ama fácilmente.
The simple act of voting every few minutes gave me a false sense of having accomplished something.
El mero acto de votar a intervalos me daba la falsa sensación de haber logrado algo.
If he'd been here upon this errand long enough ago, it could have accomplished something.
Si hubiese llegado aquí esta misión bastante tiempo atrás, podría haber logrado algo.
Had you come lugging a boulder, like the curious gnome you are, you might have accomplished your aim.
Si hubieras venido aquí con un pedrusco, como el curioso gnomo que eres, podrías haber logrado tu propósito.
If a girl like Indiana Frusk could gain her end so easily, what might not Undine have accomplished?
Si una chica como Indiana era capaz de conseguir lo que quería con tanta facilidad, ¿qué no podría haber logrado ella?
Perhaps it was simply a vision of having accomplished a thing that improved her family’s life, even if no one noticed.
Quizá era solo la idea de haber logrado realizar alguna cosa que mejorara la vida de su familia, aunque nadie se fijara.
He was a very special person, my brother, he should have accomplished something special, but he loved your mother and devoted his life to her.
Era una persona muy especial, mi hermano: debería haber logrado algo especial, pero quería a tu madre y consagró su vida a ella.
She manipulated him, too, always, ever twisting him into guilt and shame when she could have accomplished the same ends with a simple request.
Ella también lo manipuló, siempre, retorciéndolo en culpa y vergüenza cuando podría haber logrado los mismos fines con una simple petición.
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