Käännös "hanging in there" espanja
The Emperor will hang on forever.
El emperador sigue aguantando.
“She’s hanging in.  She asked for you, Greer.”
—Está aguantando. Preguntó por ti, Greer.
She shrugs and says, “Hanging on.”
Ella se encoge de hombros. —Aguantando —responde.
Why was she even hanging on anyway?
Ni siquiera sabía por qué seguía aguantando.
But Martin Lodge was alive, and he was hanging on.
Pero Martin Lodge seguía vivo, aguantando.
Dr. Becket said he was hanging in.
El doctor Becket dijo que seguía aguantando.
“I know. I’m hanging in.” I nodded and they led him away.
—Lo sé. Estoy aguantando. Asentí y se lo llevaron.
At the station, Linny Mars (still hanging in there;
En la oficina del sheriff, Linny Mars (aguantando todavía;
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