Käännös "gusted" espanja
The wind was gusting.
Soplaba un viento racheado.
The gusts of rain were sweeping against the house.
—La lluvia racheada golpeaba la casa—.
It was cold outside, the night wind gusting.
Fuera hacía frío y soplaba un viento racheado.
The wind was gusting from due north.
Soplaba un viento del norte, un viento racheado.
The window creaked with every gust of wind.
Un viento racheado hacía chirriar la ventana.
The wind, although growing stronger, was still only gusting.
Aunque el viento arreciaba era racheado.
Through the gusting rain he detected movement.
Bajo la lluvia racheada detectó movimiento.
The house creaked and heeled as wind gusted.
La casa chirriaba y se tambaleaba ante las embestidas racheadas del vendaval.
A wind was getting up, gusting from the north-east.
Había empezado a soplar un viento del nordeste algo racheado.
The gusts of wind were becoming less violent.
El viento soplaba cada vez menos racheado.
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