Käännös "go alone" espanja
Go alone
But you will not go alone.
Pero no partirás solo.
“I should go alone from here.”
—A partir de aquí debería continuar sola.
‘Then you must go alone,’ said Thingol.
—Entonces has de partir solo —dijo Thingol—.
She had to yield and let him go alone.
Ceice tuvo que aceptarlo y dejarle partir solo.
Mrs. Clement wouldn’t let her daughter go alone.
La señora Clement no quiso dejar a su hija partir sola.
‘I cannot go alone!’ said Túrin. ‘I will not leave you.
—¡No puedo partir solo! —dijo Túrin—. No te dejaré.
I told Captain Mitchell  three times that I preferred to go alone.
Por tres veces le repetí al capitán Mitchell que prefería partir solo.
And tell her that Dain must go, or he must die, and that he will not go alone.
Y decidle que Dain debe partir o morir, y que no quiere irse solo.
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