Käännös "father had" espanja
Father had
- Children of the same father who did not know each other, and wives who were unaware that the father had those children;
Hijos de un mismo padre que no se conocían, esposas que no conocen a los hijos de esos padres;
- My father had snakes?
- ¿Mi padre tenía serpientes?
Your father had consumption.
Tu padre tenía tuberculosis.
My father had cows.
Mi padre tenía vacas.
"..father had a donkey.."
" .. Padre tenía un burro .."
My father had Parkinson's.
Mi padre tenía Parkinson.
Our father had it!
¡Nuestro padre tenía!
My father had signs.
Mi padre tenía señales.
- My father had one.
- Mi padre tenía uno.
My father had cancer.
Mi padre tenía cáncer.
For a father had the right.
Porque un padre tenía derecho.
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