Käännös "do reading" espanja
“But, is this all we’re going to do? Read?”
Pero ¿esto es todo lo que vamos a hacer? ¿Leer?
Although the books I do read are somewhat like that.” “What for example?”
Aunque lo que suelo leer se parece un poco a eso. – ¿Por ejemplo?
“You do read, Corporal?” I regard him. “Barely.” The scroll is a report of the action against Spitamenes.
—¿Sabes leer, cabo? —Apenas. —Me lo quedo mirando. El pergamino es un informe del combate contra Espitámenes.
"You really ought to read something," he said, "or else, don't you know..." "I do read, I read a lot,"
—Debería leer un poco —propuso—, de lo contrario, sabe… —Pero yo leo, leo…
so much so that if they ever do read these recollections of mine, they’ll seem unrecognisable to them, from another galaxy.
hasta tal punto ajenas que si alguna vez llegan a leer estos recuerdos míos les parecerán inverosímiles, de otra galaxia.
He opened the cupboard door, his eyes scanned the spines, then again, and he felt unsure. What did he want to do? Read?
Abrió la puerta del armario, paseó la mirada por los lomos de los libros, otra vez; dudó… ¿Qué quería? ¿Leer?
A FEW days passed. Margot still had a cough and, as she was apt to get very nervous about herself, she stayed at home, and for lack of something to do—reading not being her forte—she amused herself in the way Rex had recommended: lying comfortably in a bright chaos of cushions, she consulted the telephone book and rang up unknown individuals, shops and business firms.
Margot tosía aún, Se quedó en casa y, sin otra cosa que hacer (la lectura no era su fuerte), se divirtió en la forma que Rex le había sugerido: descansando tranquilamente en un esplendoroso caos de cojines, consultaba la guía telefónica y llamaba a individuos desconocidos, a tiendas y a empresas comerciales.
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