Käännös "closely fitted" espanja
the coat was close-fitting and boyish;
La chaqueta era ajustada y un poco masculina;
One was dressed in a closely-fitting uniform equipped with tiny, intricate mechanisms.
Uno de ellos estaba vestido en un uniforme muy ajustado.
the close-fitting cloth did not flatter his bulky figure.
la ajustada tela no halagaba su gruesa figura.
She was wearing a pale mask of some kind, thin and close-fitting.
—Llevaba una pálida máscara, fina y ajustada.
Atalia appeared in a close-fitting orange winter dress.
Atalia apareció con un ajustado vestido invernal de color naranja.
They wear very close-fitting armor and steel face-masks.
Llevan unas armaduras muy ajustadas y máscaras de acero.
The closely fitting garment was much less comfortable than robes.
Aquella prenda tan ajustada resultaba mucho menos cómoda que la túnica.
She wore a close-fitting dark jacket, smeared with yellowish blood.
Llevaba una ajustada chaqueta oscura manchada de sangre amarillenta.
He wore close-fitting garments of brown stuff, with insignia of rank.
Llevaba ropa ajustada de terciopelo marrón y en ella prendidas las insignias de su rango.
The average man is not a telepath, and to communicate mentally with him is like trying to push a needle between closely-fitted tiles.
El hombre medio carece de condiciones telepáticas, y comunicarse con él en ese nivel es tan difícil como hacer pasar una aguja entre baldosas estrechamente ajustadas.
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