Käännös "cleaning them" espanja
Cleaning them
At one corner we passed a woman cleaning them by hand.
Pasamos frente a una mujer que estaba limpiándolas a mano.
Females pick pathetically at the males' fur, cleaning them.
Las hembras se agarran patéticamente a la piel de los machos, limpiándolos.
Arriving at the grandiose palace at Caserta, the Cavaliere had once found the King busy taking down lamps from the walls and cleaning them.
Recién llegado al imponente palacio de Caserta, el Cavaliere, en una ocasión se había encontrado al Rey atareado descolgando lámparas de las paredes y limpiándolas.
She could imagine him lifting them gently out of the soil that had guarded them, cleaning them, wrapping them in scrim for transport back to London.
Podía imaginárselo extrayendo todo aquello suavemente del suelo que lo había conservado guardado; limpiándolo, envolviéndolo en lienzos para su transporte de vuelta a Londres.
She was trembling all over. He doctored her knife wounds using supplies from his medical kit, cleaning them with a disinfectant, applying a topical antibiotic, and closing them as best he could with bandages—all the while keeping his gun trained on Diogenes, whose hands he’d cuffed behind his back.
Ella tiritaba. Él curó las heridas de cuchillo con lo que llevaba en su botiquín, limpiándolas con desinfectante, aplicando un antibiótico tópico y cerrándolas lo mejor que pudo mediante vendajes; todo ello sin dejar de apuntar a Diogenes, que tenía las manos esposadas a la espalda.
‘Well,’ Phil said, taking off his glasses and starting to clean them with his hanky, ‘being gay doesn’t automatically mean you feel a desire, you might even say a burning desire, to put electronic vibratey type things anywhere near your sit-upon area.’
—Vale —dijo Phil, quitándose las gafas y limpiándolas con un pañuelo—. Ser gay no significa automáticamente que sientas el deseo, digamos incluso el deseo ardiente, de meterte todo tipo de elementos electrónicos vibradores en la zona que usas para sentarte.
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