Käännös "bring us together" espanja
Bring us together
“Why has it taken death to bring us together?”
—¿Por qué ha sido precisa la muerte para unirnos?
Perhaps the road will bring us together again.
Tal vez el camino vuelva a unirnos.
Perhaps this is God’s way of bringing us together.
Tal vez sea éste el camino de Dios para unirnos».
Now I understood that the same road was to bring us together again.
Ahora comprendía que el mismo camino volvería a unirnos.
I was not wise enough to know that a sexual sharing was no way of bringing us together.
No fui lo bastante sabio como para pensar que el sexo compartido no era un medio para unirnos.
Try to remember. If there was one good thing Patch did, it was bring us together.
Intenta recordar. Si hubo algo bueno que hizo Patch fue unirnos.
Clearly, the Fates have conspired to bring us together on this fine Martius afternoon.
Está claro que los Hados han conspirado para unirnos en esta agradable tarde de martius.
We were so far apart, we were born so far apart that it has taken two wars to bring us together.
Estábamos muy lejos, nacimos tan alejados el uno del otro que han hecho falta dos guerras para unirnos.
Moreover, everyone in this room, even us, are basically strangers to each other, and have few if any ties to bring us together in a short time.
Todos en esta sala, incluso nosotros, somos mutuamente desconocidos, y tenemos pocos lazos comunes, si es que existe alguno, que puedan unirnos en poco tiempo.
Janowitz’s feeling for Chicago is one of the things that bring us together.
El sentir de Janowitz por Chicago es una de las cosas que nos unen tanto.
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