Käännös "bothers him" espanja
Honey, don't bother him.
Cariño, no lo molestes.
- Don't bother him, Agnes.
- No lo molestes, Agnes.
"Dolores, don't bother him.
–Dolores, no lo molestes.
Her sarcasm bothered him.
—Su sarcasmo lo molestó.
In fact, it didn’t bother him.
De hecho, no lo molestó.
Nothing bothers him.
Nada le molesta.
It really bothers him?
¿Realmente le molesta?
- I don't bother him?
- ¿No le molesto?
It bothers him to be naked.
Le molesta estar desnudo.
It didn’t bother him, but it bothered me.
A él no le molestó, pero a mí sí.
“It’s not important, don’t bother him.”
—No es importante, no le molestes.
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