Samankaltaiset kontekstilausekkeet
You must be stupid.
Debes ser estúpida.
You can be stupid.
Puedes ser estúpido.
I must be stupid.
Debo ser estúpida.
You want to be stupid?
¿Quieres ser estúpido?
It’s better than being stupid, eh?”
Es mejor que ser estúpido, ¿no?
Why did he work at being stupid?
¿Por qué se afanaba tanto en ser estúpido?
The captain hadn't got where he was by being stupid.
El capitán no estaba donde estaba por ser estúpido.
            “The chance to forgive myself for being stupid when I was young.”
—La posibilidad de perdonarme por ser estúpido de joven.
- Continue being stupid?
- ¿Seguir siendo estúpida?
How many English words do you know?
Test your English vocabulary size, and measure how many words you know.
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