Käännös "beautifully dressed" espanja
Beautifully dressed
But he was looking round him at the groups of beautifully dressed women;
Pero Martin miraba a su alrededor, a los grupos de mujeres bellamente vestidas.
In altarpieces by Fra Filippo Lippi or Sandro Botticelli, not only is the Madonna beautifully dressed and set against an enchanting background, she is also good-looking – indeed, in many cases, indisputably sexy.
En los retablos de Fra Filippo Lippi o Sandro Botticelli no solo habita una Madonna bellamente vestida y dispuesta sobre un fondo cautivador.
Beautifully dressed, fragrant, subtly made up, she led Sammler from room to room until it seemed to him that she was a rolling hoop of marvelous gold and gem colors and that he, following her, was an old stick from which she needed only an occasional touch.
Bellamente vestida, fragante y sutilmente maquillada, condujo a Sammler de una habitación a otra hasta que a él le pareció que ella era un rollo de maravillosos colores de oro y piedras preciosas y que él, siguiéndola, venía a ser un viejo bastón que Angela solo necesitaba tocar de vez en cuando.
As usual, Aunt Augusta was beautifully dressed.
Como de costumbre, tía Augusta iba ataviada con esplendorosa elegancia.
Ginevra Fanshawe, beautifully dressed for her part, and looking fascinatingly pretty, turned on me a pair of eyes as round as beads.
Ginevra Fanshawe, hermosamente ataviada para su papel, increíblemente bella, me miró con los ojos muy abiertos.
"I saw them!" I said. "I saw a weeping man, a priest, perhaps, perhaps a king, perhaps a nobody, except that he was beautifully dressed.
—¡Los vi a ellos! —contesté—. Vi a un hombre que lloraba, quizá fuera un sacerdote o un rey, quizá no fuera un personaje importante, pero estaba maravillosamente ataviado.
They each smiled and rushed off, Charlotte in control of Scarlet’s beautifully dressed body to find Damen, and Scarlet to check out the haunted house. 23
Ambas sonrieron y se separaron a toda prisa, Charlotte al mando del cuerpo bonitamente ataviado de Scarlet para buscar a Damen, y Scarlet para inspeccionar la casa encantada. 23.
and with me he could also swear and be as crude as he liked, which is very difficult to do in another language (easily and convincingly) and which you miss terribly if you’re used to it, as I’ve often had occasion to observe when abroad, where I have known ministers, aristocrats, ambassadors, tycoons and professors, and even their respective beautifully dressed wives and daughters and even mothers and mothers-in-law of varying backgrounds, education and age, take advantage of my momentary presence to unburden themselves with oaths and diabolical blasphemies in Spanish (or Catalan).
y también, conmigo, podía soltar tacos y ser soez, y eso sí que es difícil en otro idioma (con soltura y veracidad) y además se echa indeciblemente de menos si se está acostumbrado a ello, he tenido ocasión de comprobarlo a menudo en el extranjero, donde he visto a ministros, aristócratas, embajadores, potentados y catedráticos, y hasta a sus respectivas y muy ataviadas mujeres e hijas y aun madres y suegras de variables crianza, nociones y edad, aprovechar mi momentánea presencia para desahogarse con juramentos y blasfemias diabólicas en nuestra lengua (o en catalán).
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