Käännös "be delirious" espanja
We only think we know, but this is a lesson taught by delirious psychotics.
Sólo pensamos que sabemos, pero esta es una lección que enseñaron psicópatas delirantes.
-She must surely be delirious!
- ¡Seguramente debe estar delirante!
Another delirious roar.
Otro rugido delirante.
And I will be deliriously happy.
Y mi felicidad será delirante.
He was almost delirious.
El desdichado estaba casi delirante.
She felt strangely delirious.
Se sentía extrañamente delirante.
Her Christianity was the delirious kind.
Su cristianismo era del tipo delirante.
Wayne was delirious with joy.
Wayne sentía un alborozo delirante.
"You're ridiculous." "Let's call it delirious.”
—Qué absurdo. —Delirante, digamos.
There were delirious fancies such as the madman fashions.
Había delirantes imaginaciones, como las de un loco.
The rest of the time was a delirious hell.
El resto del tiempo fue un infierno delirante.
God, he was weak, delirious.
Dios, se encontraba débil, delirante.
He became delirious at some point and eventually lost consciousness.
En cierto momento comenzó a delirar, y finalmente perdió el conocimiento.
She’s becoming delirious.
Está empezando a delirar.
Maybe I was delirious.
Puede que delirara.
The heat made her delirious.
El calor la habrá hecho delirar.
He was delirious from the pain.
El dolor le hacía delirar.
In the evening he was delirious again.
Por la noche volvió a delirar.
I thought she was becoming delirious.
Me pareció que empezaba a delirar.
She knew she was becoming delirious.
Sabía que estaba empezando a delirar.
The priest was becoming delirious again.
El sacerdote comenzaba a delirar de nuevo.
She began to be feverish and delirious.
Le estaba subiendo la fiebre y empezó a delirar.
In just seconds he was delirious again.
En cuestión de segundos volvió a delirar.
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