Käännös "asked whether" espanja
Asked whether
53. It had been asked whether NGOs were also allowed access to jails.
53. Se ha preguntado si se permite a las organizaciones no gubernamentales el acceso a las prisiones.
It had been asked whether solitary confinement was subject to judicial review.
Se ha preguntado si el régimen celular estricto es objeto de revisión judicial.
5. The delegation was asked whether the granting of a European arrest warrant was limited by the principle of reciprocity.
5. Se ha preguntado si la orden de detención europea está limitada por el principio de reciprocidad.
I have been asked whether it is time to review the Convention.
Se me ha preguntado si ha llegado la hora de revisar la Convención.
13. He had recently been asked whether black people were becoming racists.
13. Recientemente le han preguntado si los negros se están haciendo racistas.
Some members of the Committee had also asked whether the length of civilian service was not excessive.
Algunos miembros del Comité se han preguntado si la duración del servicio civil no era excesiva.
The Committee had asked whether rape was covered by the definition of domestic violence.
Se ha preguntado si la violación entraba en la definición de violencia doméstica.
Mr. Gaye had asked whether the law on states of emergency still existed.
13. El Sr. Gaye ha preguntado si sigue estando vigente la ley de los estados de emergencia.
It had been asked whether instruction was still given in both languages.
Se ha preguntado si se mantiene la educación en los dos idiomas.
34. It had been asked whether men continued to dominate women in the organization of the family.
34. Se ha preguntado si los hombres siguen dominando a las mujeres en la organización de la familia.
- If you're asking whether it's within my capabilities...
- Si estás preguntado si está dentro de mis capacidades...
I asked whether you left your brother's side.
Te he preguntado si te apartaste del lado de tu hermano.
By the way, I was asked whether you knew how to drive a car.
Por cierto, me han preguntado si sabe conducir un coche.
You haven't asked whether we paid her off, either.
No ha preguntado si le pagamos a ella, tampoco.
I asked whether you'd like this place.
He preguntado si te gustaría trabajar aquí.
I didn't even ask whether or not you love me!
¡Ni siquiera te he preguntado si me quieres o no!
I asked whether you could seduce men?
- Te he preguntado si sabes seducir.
If you had asked whether I prefer cats or dogs - I might actually have answered.
Si me hubiera preguntado si prefería los perros o los gatos - quizás habría podido responderle.
Have I asked whether or not you want it?
¿Le he preguntado si lo quiere?
Your mother did ask whether my intentions were honourable.
Tu madre me ha preguntado si mis intenciones son honestas.
Asking whether there's a gymnasium in the prison.
Ha preguntado si hay gimnasio en la prisión.
‘I didn’t ask whether you heard anything.
—No te he preguntado si oíste algo.
He was asking whether or not I had bought a helmet.
Me ha preguntado si ya me había comprado el casco.
“For fuck’s sake, nobody asked whether she was hot!
—¡No os he preguntado si está buena, joder!
          'You haven't asked whether I love her.
– Aún no me has preguntado si la quiero.
The gendarme asked whether his presence was required.
El gendarme ha preguntado si su presencia era necesaria.
‘I asked whether they would thank me for it,’ he repeated.
—Te he preguntado si crees que me lo agradecerán.
Did you ask whether I would eat you all?
—¿Habéis preguntado si os iba a comer a todos?
We weren't asked whether or not we wanted to go north;
No fuimos preguntados si deseábamos ir o no al norte;
‘So you asked whether I was asking, and I’m asking you about it.’
—Tú has preguntado si yo estaba preguntando, y yo te pregunto.
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