According to these groups, the Internet “offers enormous possibilities, making it possible for the Aryan resistance movement to diffuse its message to unaware or ignorant people ... .
Según estos grupos, “la Internet nos ofrece enormes posibilidades para permitir que la resistencia aria difunda nuestro mensaje entre los inconscientes y los ignorantes.
Mr. LOREL (International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)) referred to the study of the expert appointed by the Secretary-General on the impact of armed conflict on children (A/51/306 and Add.1). He was dismayed that an ever-increasing number of children, often under 15 years of age - by nature impressionable and unaware of the consequences of their acts - were recruited or volunteered, often at the cost of their lives, to take part in combats in which they should never have participated, by virtue of international humanitarian law and the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
El Sr. LOREL (Comité Internacional de la Cruz Roja (CICR)), refiriéndose al estudio de la experta nombrada por el Secretario General sobre las repercusiones de los conflictos armados sobre los niños, manifiesta su consternación por el hecho de que cada vez más niños, con frecuencia de menos de 15 años de edad y por naturaleza impresionables e inconscientes de las consecuencias de sus actos, sean reclutados o se presenten voluntariamente, muchas veces a costa de su vida, para tomar parte en combates en los que, con arreglo al derecho internacional humanitario y a la Convención sobre los Derechos del Niño jamás deberían participar.
1. Anyone who engages in sexual behaviour with a person who is aged under 14 or who is unconscious, unaware or incapable of resisting, or does so by taking advantage of his or her disability, shall be punished by a prison term of between three months and three years.
1. El que tuviere un comportamiento sexual con una persona menor de 14 años o privada de sentido, inconsciente o incapaz de oponer resistencia o con abuso de su incapacidad será castigado con una pena de prisión de 3 meses a 3 años.
To be unaware; dear God, to be joyously unaware.
Ser inconsciente, por Dios…, ser alegremente inconsciente.
And unaware of their own naiveness.
E inconsciente de su propia ingenuidad.
An awareness in an unaware context.
Percepción en un contexto inconsciente.
They were unaware of their own beauty.
Estaban inconscientes de su propia belleza.
Osgood was blissfully unaware.
Osgood permanecía felizmente inconsciente.
She walked as if she were unaware.
Ella andaba como si estuviera inconsciente.
Entirely unaware of what she was doing.
y además, absolutamente inconsciente de lo que hacía.
Utterly unaware of the vengeance that awaited him.
Completamente inconsciente de la venganza que lo aguardaba.
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