Käännös "all-knowing" espanja
He is all-powerful and all-knowing.
Él es todopoderoso y omnisciente.
To The Renowned and All-Knowing S.
Al renombrado y omnisciente S.
For God is all Knowing, supremely Wise.
Dios es omnisciente, sabio.
It is a beautiful, powerful, all-knowing sound.
Es un sonido bello, poderoso y omnisciente.
My Lord is all-powerful, all-wise, all-knowing.
Mi Señor es todopoderoso y omnisciente.
“We will become all-seeing, all-knowing.”
—Nos volveremos seres omniscientes que lo ven todo.
They were also MVD: militant, brutal and all-knowing.
Eran también MVD: militantes, brutales y omniscientes.
He is wise, intelligent, all-knowing. I will obey.
El es sabio, inteligente y omnisciente. Lo obedeceré.
T-Jay seemed amused, all-knowing.
T-Jota se mostró divertido, omnisciente.
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