Käännös "aggressive act" espanja
Aggressive act
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cuba emphatically rejects this new aggressive act of the Government of the United States.
El Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de la República de Cuba rechaza enérgicamente este nuevo acto agresivo del Gobierno de los Estados Unidos.
Put another way, in committing an aggressive act, the subject is attacking, in the other person, those elements of his own otherness that he has failed to integrate into the unitary, narcissistic image of the ego, of what we call personality.
Dicho de otra manera, en el pasaje al acto agresivo el sujeto golpea en el otro aquello que no ha llegado a integrar de su propia alteridad en la imagen narcisista y unitaria del Yo, de aquello que llamamos la personalidad.
He condemned Spain's aggressive act, which was incompatible with Article 74 of the Charter.
El orador condena el acto agresivo de España, que es incompatible con el Artículo 74 de la Carta.
Women know that's an aggressive act towards men. Women cut their hair, it's aggression.
Cortarse el pelo es un acto agresivo.
“I adjure and conjure thee against all aggressive acts, o demon of the pit,”
—¡Yo os ordeno y os conjuro contra todo acto agresivo, oh, demonio del averno!
ho there! i will prosecute economic sanctions AGAINST THE FIRST RACE TO MAKE AN AGGRESSIVE ACT!
Because when all is said and done, an aggressive act, such as harassing or threatening a prominent person like you, is unprofitable for the initiator.
Porque, a fin de cuentas, un acto agresivo, como acosar o amenazar a alguien conocido como tú, es infructuoso para el iniciador.
‘I adjure and conjure thee against all aggressive acts, o demon of the pit,’ said the voice from, Rincewind now realised, behind the table.
-Os abjuro y conjuro contra cualquier acto agresivo, oh demonio de las profundidades –dijo la voz, que, ahora que Rincewind se fijaba, venía de detrás de la mesa.
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