Käännös "advance warnings" espanja
I was hoping for a little advance warning.
—Esperaba alguna pequeña advertencia anticipada.
His advance warnings, repeated to many different people, of a bombing on Wall Street after the close of business on September fifteenth or on the sixteenth are still unexplained.
Siguen sin tener explicación sus advertencias anticipadas, repetidas a muchas personas, de que iba a explotar una bomba en Wall Street el 15 o 16 de septiembre, después de la hora de cierre de las transacciones.
like the future. But the future, she thought, would be like Francisco's smile, there was the key to it, the advance warning of its nature —in his face in the firelight under the pine branches—and suddenly she felt an unbearable happiness, unbearable because it was too full and she had no way to express it.
Pero aquel futuro sería como la sonrisa de Francisco. La llave del mismo, la advertencia anticipada de su naturaleza. Se pintaba en su rostro frente al fuego, bajo el ramaje de los pinos. De pronto experimentó una insoportable sensación de dicha;
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