Käännös "accusing them" espanja
Accusing them
accusing them of being guerrillas
acusándolos de ser guerrilleros
He sent petulant messages accusing them of staying abed and being too lazy to reply. “Sleepy-heads,”
Había enviado mensajes petulantes acusándolos de quedarse en cama y ser perezosos.
“So Domitian will seek to punish his enemies by accusing them of vice, rather than insurrection?”
—¿Piensas entonces que Domiciano tratará de castigar a sus enemigos acusándolos de vicios en lugar de insurrección?
It was rumored they were hunting the First Hundred in particular, accusing them of attempting to overthrow the Transitional Authority.
Se rumoreaba que andaban detrás de los Primeros Cien en particular, acusándolos de intentar derrocar a la Autoridad Transitoria.
He replied by accusing them of trying to separate themselves from the poorer and less polished eastern European Jews.
Einstein respondió acusándoles de tratar de distanciarse de los judíos de la Europa del Este, más pobres y menos cultos que ellos.
It was generally known that he had been sterile, having repudiated his two first wives and accused them of the ill from which he suffered.
Notoriamente estéril, había repudiado a sus dos primeras esposas acusándolas del mal que le aquejaba a él.
The captain of the Esmeralda , in the throes of a violent anger, vented himself against the savages, accusing them of not having explored their cave.
El capitán dé la «Esmeralda», presa de una cólera violenta, la desahogaba contra los salvajes, acusándoles de no haber conocido bien su caverna.
Then Chairman Mao himself attacked the Party professionals—such as Father—accusing them of taking the capitalist road, and we became very worried.
A continuación el presidente Mao en persona atacó a los profesionales del Partido —como padre—, acusándoles de haber tomado el camino del capitalismo.
During their set, a member of the audience got up and trespassed onto the band’s side. He began ranting about the fur coats they were wearing, accusing them of being sellouts.
Durante su actuación, uno de los asistentes comenzó a despotricar contra los abrigos de piel que llevaban, acusándolos de ser unos vendidos.
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