Перевод для "vu les filles" на английский
Vu les filles
  • saw the girls
Примеры перевода
saw the girls
Au cours de la dispersion des manifestations, le témoin a vu trois filles, âgées d'environ 10 à 13 ans, tuées par les forces armées syriennes.
During the armed break-up of the demonstrations, the witness saw three girls between approximately 10 and 13 years of age who had been killed by the Syrian Armed Forces.
Je ai parlé à ma mère morte les deux dernières nuits et elle a dit elle a vu les filles à la ferme abandonnée.
I've been talking to my dead mother the last two nights. And she said... she saw the girls at the abandoned farmhouse.
- On a vu les filles, Jake.
We saw the girls, Jake.
Tu as vu les filles disparaître, j'ai tenté de me tuer.
You said you saw the girls disappear. You said you saw me try and kill myself.
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