Перевод для "qui a le pouvoir" на английский
Qui a le pouvoir
  • who has the power
Примеры перевода
who has the power
- Qui a le pouvoir de faire ça ?
Who has the power to do that?
Qui a le pouvoir maintenant, mon ami?
Who has the power now, friend?
Et qui a le pouvoir de faire ça ?
Well, who has the power to do that?
C'est la personne qui fait la confession qui a le pouvoir.
It's the person who does the confessing who has the power.
Je connais un homme qui a le pouvoir de vous aider.
I know a man who has the power to help you.
Un être qui a le pouvoir de parler pour les morts.
An appointed one who has the power to speak for the dead.
Celui qui a le pouvoir de vous envoyer en Enfer.
The one who has the power to send you to hell. Go!
Qui a le pouvoir d'étouffer l'affaire ?
Who benefited? Who has the power to cover it up?
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