Перевод для "qu'ils se" на английский
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Примеры перевода
- Ils se connaissent.
- Fuck that. They know each other.
Qu'ils se méfient.
That they are wary.
Qu'ils se disputaient beaucoup.
That they argued a lot.
- Ils se disputaient ? Non.
Is it true that they were arguing?
Qu'ils se connaissaient depuis l'université.
That they were close since college.
Ils se sont dévoilés.
It's done that. They stand exposed
- Ils se disputaient.
- We know that they quarreled.
Ils se contentent d'aboyer.
That they only bark?
Ils se croyaient libres.
They believed that they were free.
..ils se rencontreront sûrement.
..then it is definite that they will meet.
- Ils se disputent.
- They argue. - They argue, huh?
Ils se barrent.
- They just leave. - And they take off.
Ils se reconnaîtront.
They know who they are.
Ils se balancent.
They... they sway back and forth.
Ils se ressemblent
- Yes. - They look alike, don't they?
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