Перевод для "paragraphe est" на английский
Paragraphe est
Примеры перевода
Paragraphe 1, remplacer le renvoi au "paragraphe 2.9" par "paragraphe 2.6" et le renvoi au "paragraphe 2.10" par "paragraphe 2.7".
Paragraph 1., amend the reference to "paragraph 2.9." to read "paragraph 2.6." and the reference to "paragraph 2.10." to read "paragraph 2.7.".
b) Au choix du constructeur: paragraphe ou paragraphe ou paragraphe ou paragraphe ou paragraphe du présent règlement.
(b) At the choice of the manufacturer: paragraph or paragraph or paragraph or paragraph or paragraph of this regulation.
Les observations relatives au paragraphe 186 figurent aux paragraphes 30, 38 et suivants; celles relatives au paragraphe 187, aux paragraphes 33 et suivants; celles relatives au paragraphe 190, au paragraphe 17; et celles relatives au paragraphe 194, aux paragraphes 22 et suivants.
Observations on paragraph 186 / are contained in paragraphs 30 and 38 et seq. of the present report; on paragraph 187 in paragraphs 33 et seq.; on paragraph 190 in paragraph 17; and on paragraph 194 in paragraphs 22 et seq.
Paragraphe 5.4.1, remplacer <<paragraphe>> par <<paragraphe 5.3.6>>.
Paragraph 5.4.1., correct "paragraph" to read "paragraph 5.3.6.".
Paragraphe 5.4, remplacer <<paragraphe 5.3.5>> par <<paragraphe 5.3.6>>.
Paragraph 5.4., correct "paragraph 5.3.5." to read "paragraph 5.3.6.".
Ce nouveau paragraphe serait le paragraphe 10 et l'ancien paragraphe 10 serait renuméroté et deviendrait le paragraphe 11.
The new paragraph would be paragraph 10, and the former paragraph 10 would become paragraph 11.
a) Au choix du constructeur: paragraphe ou paragraphe ou paragraphe ou paragraphe du présent règlement, ou
(a) At the choice of the manufacturer: paragraph or paragraph or paragraph or paragraph of this regulation, or
Le reste du paragraphe devient un nouveau paragraphe 2 et le paragraphe 2 existant devient le paragraphe 3.
The rest of the paragraph became a new paragraph 2 and existing paragraph 2 became paragraph 3.
b) Le paragraphe 5 est devenu le paragraphe 6 et le paragraphe 6 est devenu le paragraphe 5;
(b) Operative paragraph 5 became paragraph 6, and paragraph 6 became paragraph 5;
Oh, mais, Christine, le second paragraphe est le plus important.
Oh, but, Christine, the second paragraph is the most important paragraph.
Le troisième paragraphe est charmant.
This third paragraph is lovely.
Le dernier paragraphe est du remplissage.
And the last paragraph is absolutely not necessary.
Mais la partie la plus intéressante du paragraphe, c'est ce qui suit.
But the most interesting part of the paragraph is still to come.
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