Перевод для "lui a pris" на английский
Lui a pris
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Ils l'ont alors conduit au domicile du vigile du Conseil, qui a pris la fuite à leur vue.
The alleged terrorist criminals then took him to the home of the district council guard, who, upon spotting the subversives and being threatened with death, ran off.
Ce dernier appartenant au clan Hawiye, il est parvenu à arrêter la tuerie mais il a dit ensuite à M. Y. H. A. qu'il ne pouvait plus le protéger, il l'a conduit à l'aéroport d'où il a pris un avion pour le Kenya avec son fils.
As his father-in-law was a Hawiye clan member he was able to prevent any further killing but later told the petitioner he could not protect him any longer and took him to the airport from where the petitioner flew to Kenya with his son.
Le trajet lui a pris sept heures.
This means that the trip took him seven hours.
L'auteur dément avoir eu des parents en Suède, or sa famille australienne était restée en contact avec eux, et un de ses oncles l'a pris chez lui après son arrivée en Suède.
The author denies that he had ties to his relatives in Sweden, but his Australian family remained in touch with them, and one of his uncles took him in after his arrival in Sweden.
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