Перевод для "il est cher" на английский
Il est cher
Примеры перевода
La scolarité coûte cher.
Schooling is expensive.
Les magazines de qualité sont très chers.
Quality magazines are very expensive.
Très cher
Very expensive
Cela coûte extrêmement cher.
It is terribly expensive.
Les élections coûtent cher.
Elections have become expensive undertakings.
Son entretien coûte cher.
Maintenance is expensive.
Le nettoyage coûte cher.
It is also expensive to clean up.
Cet arrangement coûte extrêmement cher.
It is an extremely expensive venture.
Irriguer autrement coûte cher.
To irrigate otherwise is expensive.
Des gens qui viennent dans ce magasin parce qu'il est cher.
People who are coming to the store because it is expensive.
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