Перевод для "de similitude" на английский
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A. Similitudes générales et dispositifs institutionnels
A. General similarities and institutional arrangements
Il existait effectivement une similitude fonctionnelle très marquée entre la Banque et le régime commun, mais il n'était pas utile de mettre trop l'accent sur cette similitude.
A significant degree of functional similarity did indeed exist between the Bank and the common system; overstressing the similarity was not, however, seen as helpful.
directs : caractéristiques, similitudes, complémentarités et
Characteristics, similarities, complementarities and differences,
différences et similitudes entre les cultures ;
Differences and similarities between cultures;
9. Il existe cependant des similitudes.
9. However, there are similarities.
— la similitude des structures économiques ou des grandes orientations;
- similar economic structure or policy characteristics;
De la Bosnie à l'Angola, quelle frappante similitude.
From Bosnia to Angola, the similarities are striking.
Il y a beaucoup de similitudes entre le cas Newberry et celui de Calleigh.
There are a lot of similarities between the Newberry case and Calleigh's.
Y a beaucoup de similitudes entre votre compagnie et Academic Appeal.
Actually, there's a lot of similarities between your company and Academic Appeal.
En fait, si véhément ont été les dénégations démocratique de similitude que Paul Warburg - le père de deux projets de loi a dû intervenir pour rassurer ses amis ont payé au Congrès que les deux projets de loi étaient pratiquement identiques :
In fact, so vehement were the Democratic denials of similarity that Paul Warburg - the father of both bills – had to step in to reassure his paid friends in Congress that the two bills were virtually identical:
Il y a beaucoup de similitudes entre ces deux nuits.
There's actually A lot of similarities Between those two nights.
Il y a beaucoup de similitudes entre les Gallois et les Italiens.
Lot of similarities between the Welsh and the Italians. You know that.
J'ai trouvé plusieurs références mais il y a pas mal de similitudes.
There are many stories in many places... but they're all sort of similar in parts.
Je ne sais pas si tu as fait le rapprochement, mais il y a un tas de similitudes... entre ce que Laurie m'a fait et ce que moi je t'ai fait.
I don't know if you've made the connection, but there are a lot of similarities... between what Laurie did to me and what I did to you.
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