Перевод для "a exprimer" на английский
A exprimer
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Примеры перевода
Un petit garçon sans amis a exprimer ses sentiments quelque part.
A little boy with no friends has to express his feelings somewhere.
Je ne pense pas avoir choisi Victor, c'est ce qu'il a fait en snow, la façon qu'il a d'exprimer son style.
I don't feel like I chose Victor, it's what he's done in snowboarding, the ways he's tried to express his own riding.
Le président a exprimé sa gratitude envers ceux qui sauvent la vie des autres, par le don d'organes ou par leur travail.
The president used this solemn event to express his gratitude for those who share their lives for the health and welfare of others, whether through organ donation or through their work.
Les peres cherchent a exprimer leur amour pour leur fils.
You know how fathers always trying to express their love and appreciation for their sons.
Et, Marnie, les mots ne suffisent pas a exprimer ma gratitude.
And Marnie... I mean, words cannot even begin to express my gratitude to you.
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