Перевод для "saksan-matkasta" на английский
  • german-trip
  • from a trip to germany
Примеры перевода
Jo Wedderburn n matemaattisia edut olivat algebra ja hänen saksa matka saa hänet vuorovaikutuksessa Frobenius ja Schur.
Already Wedderburn's mathematical interests were in algebra and his German trip allowed him to interact with Frobenius and Schur .
Ennen Saksan-matkaansa Li osallistui yli 20:n sopimuksen allekirjoittami
Prior to his German trip, Li witnessed the signing of more than 20 agreements, covering areas including transport, infrastructure, industrial parks and finance, with 16 Central and Eastern European countries on Saturday during his stay in Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria, China Daily reports.
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