Перевод для "säteilylaboratorio" на английский
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Ranskalaisen riippumattoman säteilylaboratorio ACRO:n ydinfyysikko, professori David Boilley, tohtori David McNeill, The Chronicle of Higher Education -julkaisun Japanin kirjeenvaihtaja ja Fairewind Associatesin ydinvoimainsinööri Arnie Gundersen ovat tehneet Greenpeacen toimeksiannosta raportin Lessons from Fukushima. Raportti on ydinturvallisuusasiantuntija tohtori Helmut Hirschin vertaistarkastama.
Greenpeace commissioned Dr. David Boilley, a nuclear physicist with the French independent radiation laboratory ACRO; Dr. David McNeill, Japan correspondent for The Chronicle of Higher Education and other publications; and Arnie Gundersen, a nuclear engineer with Fairewinds Associates, to write “Lessons from Fukushima” (1).
Tuolloin hän perusti Berkeleyn kampuksella säteilylaboratorion.
Instead, he was given a position with the Berkeley Radiation Laboratory, which had an independent status.
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