Перевод для "johdannai-" на английский
Примеры перевода
Rakenteellisesti fluoxymesterone on johdannai
Structurally fluoxymesterone is a derivative of testosterone, differing from our base androgen by three structural alterations (specifically l7alpha-methyl, 11 beta-hydroxy and 9-fluoro group additions).
Anabolisia steroideja tai tarkemmin sanottuna anabolisten-androgeeni steroidit ovat synteettisiä johdannai
Anabolic steroids or additional specifically, anabolic-androgenic steroids are the man-made derivatives of the normally occurring man anabolic hormone testosterone.
Anabolisia steroideja tai tarkemmin sanottuna anabolisten-androgeeni steroidit ovat synteettisiä johdannaisi
Anabolic anabolic steroids or more specifically, anabolic-androgenic steroids are the synthetic derivatives of the naturally taking place man anabolic hormone testosterone.
Eräissä maissa jotkut poliitikot esiintyvät kannabiksen (hampun) laillistamisen puolesta, tarkemmin sen johdannai
In some countries some political activists are for the legalization of cannabis (hemp), more exactly its derivatives hashis and marijuana.
Rahasto- tai sijoitusyhtiön on sovellettava riskinhallintamenettelyjä, joilla se voi seurata ja mitata jatkuvasti kuhunkin positioon liittyvää riskiä ja sen vaikutusta salkun kokonaisriskiin; sen on sovellettava menettelyjä, joilla voidaan arvioida tarkasti ja riippumattomasti vakioimattomien johdannai
The management or investment company must employ a risk-management process which enables it to monitor and measure at any time the risk of the positions and their contribution to the overall risk profile of the portfolio; it must employ a process for accurate and independent assessment of the value of OTC derivative instruments.
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