Перевод для "rappelvoll" на английский
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Примеры перевода
Das Wartezimmer war rappelvoll.
The waiting room was jam-packed.
Die Zellen waren rappelvoll.
The cells were jam-packed.
Das Haus ist rappelvoll.
The house is packed.
Am Wochenende wird es hier rappelvoll sein.
On the weekend this place will be packed.
Das Regal war rappelvoll.
The shelf was very tightly packed.
Das Restaurant war sehr klein, aber elegant – und rappelvoll.
The restaurant was tiny but elegant—and packed.
Die Kirche war rappelvoll an diesem ersten Sonntag nach Kriegsende.
The church was packed on that first Sunday after the end of the war.
Das Damask-Bordell in der St. Michael's Street war rappelvoll.
The Damask brothel on St Michael’s Street was packed to the brim.
J & J Software war Samstag morgens immer rappelvoll.
J&J Software was always packed on a Saturday morning.
Die Veranda war rappelvoll: Blanchard, Brown, Layman, Pinker, Ashida.
The porch was packed: Blanchard, Brown, Layman, Pinker, Ashida.
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