Перевод для "die interventionisten" на английский
Die interventionisten
Примеры перевода
Menschen sind von Natur aus Interventionisten, Captain.
Captain, humans are interventionists by nature.
Die Interventionisten hier sind freundliche, ältere Leute in informeller Geschäftskleidung.
These Interventionists are mild-mannered grand-parents dressed in business casual.
Die Fachleute, denen die Intervention obliegt, werden »Interventionisten« genannt, was wie der Titel eines Blockbusters über die Apokalypse klingt.
The professionals who moderate the show’s interventions are called “Interventionists,” a title that seems better suited to a block-buster film about the Apocalypse.
Roosevelts Gier nach politischen Informationen über seine Feinde im Inland und seine Korrespondenz mit Hoover über die Informationen ist dargestellt in Douglas M. Charles, J. Edgar Hoover and the Anti-Interventionists: FBI Political Surveillance and the Rise of the Domestic Security States, 1939–1945 (Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 2007).
FDR’s thirst for political intelligence on his domestic enemies, and his correspondence with Hoover about that intelligence, is detailed in Douglas M. Charles, J. Edgar Hoover and the Anti-Interventionists: FBI Political Surveillance and the Rise of the Domestic Security States, 1939–1945 (Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 2007).
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