Перевод для "strade erano" на английский
Примеры перевода
Le strade erano ghiacciate.
The roads were very icy.
No, le strade erano libere. Perché?
No, the roads were clear.
Queste strade erano tutte chiuse, nascoste dietro degli specchi.
These roads were all closed, hidden behind mirrors.
Un tempo, le strade erano fredde e ghiacciate.
Once, the roads were icy and cold.
Le strade erano completamente vuote... e gigantesche.
'The roads were completely empty. And massive.'
Le strade erano scivolose.
Roads were slippery.
Cavolo, le strade erano un disastro stasera.
Boy, the roads were a mess out there tonight.
Le strade erano molto ... asciutte.
The roads were very dry.
Le strade erano già piene di persone.
The roads were already full of people...
Le strade erano tutte chiuse per la bufera.
The roads were all closed because of the storm.
Le strade erano allagate.
The streets were real torrents.
Le strade erano troppo affollate.
The streets were too crowded.
Sei arrivato di mattina, le strade erano deserte.
You arrived in the morning so the streets were deserted.
Le strade erano deserte.
Streets were abandoned.
Le strade erano pericolose.
The streets were dangerous.
Le strade erano gia' pulite.
The streets were cleaner already.
Le strade erano piene di polvere oggi.
The streets were very dirty today.
E quelle strade erano l'habitat naturale di Rodriguez.
And those streets were Rodriguez's natural habitat.
Per forza le strade erano deserte.
No wonder the streets were empty.
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