Перевод для "stracolmo" на английский
Примеры перевода
Siamo invasi dal tempo. Siamo stracolmi di tempo.
We're pervaded by time, we're overflowing with time.
La mia clinica era stracolma.
My office was overflowing.
- ...stracolmi d'oro.
- ...overflowing with gold.
- Era solo un piccolo forziere e non certo stracolmo.
- It was one small chest, hardly overflowing.
L'ho visto nella tua buca delle lettere. È stracolma.
I saw it on your mailbox, uh, which is overflowing.
Mi era stato detto... che questa cassaforte era stracolma di grana.
I was told-- that this safe was overflowing with cash.
Entrammo e la sala era stracolma di gente.
Walked into the ballroom, it was packed with people.
Ho un'agenda stracolma.
I have a jam-packed schedule.
Era stracolma di gente.
It was packed with people.
Questo posto e' stracolmo.
This place is packed.
Era la prima. La sala era stracolma.
It was opening night, the place was packed.
Dio, il Grandinetti sara' stato stracolmo.
God, grandinetti's must have been packed.
Wow. Questo posto e'... stracolmo.
Wow, this place is packed.
Entrammo ed era stracolma di gente.
So, my mom and I walk in, it's packed with people.
La chiesa era stracolma.
The church was packed.
Di tutti i paesi industrializzati, il nostro è in fondo alla lista. E in una classe stracolma, al carico degli insegnanti volete aggiungere una... Cosa stiamo facendo?
Of all the industrialized countries, we're at the bottom of the heap, and you want to add to the teachers' burdens in an already overcrowded classroom by... what are we doing?
Odio i posti stracolmi, non riesco a pensare.
I mean, I hate anything that's overcrowded. I can't even think straight.
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