Перевод для "squadrati" на английский
Примеры перевода
La coda e' troppo squadrata.
Tail's too square.
Appuntita ma squadrata.
Sharp-pointed but square-edged.
Aveva un viso squadrato.
He had a square face.
E' perfettamente squadrata.
It's a perfect square.
Alcuni la chiamano mascella squadrata.
Some people call that a square jaw.
Piccola, spigolosa, tonda, squadrata?
Narrow, angular, round, square?
Devono avere gli angoli squadrati.
These had squared-off edges.
Sta tenendo le spalle squadrate?
Is he keeping his shoulders squared?
Sono così squadrato!
I'm such a square.
Non ho visto bene gli occhi... ma le mascelle erano aguzze, squadrate.
I couldn't really see his eyes, but, uh... but his jaw was, like, sharp, you know, angled.
Lo vedo come mi squadrate.
I see how you guys are eyeing me.
- Mi ha squadrato decisamente da gay.
- He gave me gay eyes, like, right away.
Non solo abbiamo preso 80 miseri dollari dal suo conto, ma la guardia di sicurezza mi ha squadrato.
I mean, it's bad enough I only got $80 out of this guy's account. But the security guard around the corner, he gave me the stink-eye.
Amico, ti ha squadrato
Man, she was definitely eyeing you up.
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