Перевод для "sfidandolo" на английский
Примеры перевода
Mentre Frodo scala il Monte Fato, l'Anello lo ammalia, sfidandolo ad abbandonare la sua missione e arrendersi al suo potere.
As Frodo climbs Mount Doom, the ring draws him in, challenging him to abandon his mission and give in to its power.
Non saprei, magari sfidandolo?
I don't know, by challenging it?
Aspettai, sfidandoli a venirmi a cercare.
I waited. Daring 'em to come after me.
Mi fa sentire un po' meno in colpa per averla condannata sfidandola ad andare nel seminterrato da sola.
Makes me feel a little less guilty about condemning her to die by daring her to go down to the basement alone.
Abbiamo pubblicato un messaggio in una rivista, in una sciarada per cervelloni, sfidandoli a decifrarlo.
We slipped a message at the back of a puzzle magazine, in one of those egghead word games. We dared amateurs to crack it.
Perche' affronto la realta' senza inganni, senza falsita'. Guardandola dritto in faccia, sfidandola. Ma senza violenza.
With the clarity with which I'm seeing reality, because I'm facing reality with no doubt in my mind, none whatsoever, looking at it directly, and defying it, but without any violence.
Combattendolo, sfidandolo e mostrandogli che si sbaglia.
By fighting it. By defying it. By proving it wrong.
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